Thursday, August 3, 2023

A Beautiful Shadow - Mauritius

Dramatic mountain for backdrop & palmy ocean for company
Tune in to the southern coast of Mauritius’ tropical symphony

Greener, wilder than the rest of the sweet haven

Oh, Bel Ombre! You beautiful shade of heaven!

Lush jungles, lyrical falls, and lavender twilights

liberating lonesome spirits with sparkling sights

Small fluffy popcorn clouds scattered in the sky

stirred by the caramelized wind as it whirred by 

Sugar-coated horizon now covers an acrid past

of masses who left their dear homeland, aghast 




Walking through those sun-lit sugarcane fields I feel déjà vu

Something calls me to tell that I have been here earlier too

The roasted earth and the rustic milieu smell of innocence;

running across the fields on narrow paths with fine balance,

trying to bite into the sturdy sugarcane in friendly contests,

watching the cows sway their tails to deter the pesky pests,

A beautiful shadow of my childhood plays before my eyes

In a moment of existential epiphany, a few questions arise

Do I or did I have roots somewhere in this island’s history?

Will I ever get to know about it or will it remain a mystery?

Read my poetic encounters from around the world in my travel book: ELEPHANTS AND OCEANS