Seemed to look up at me, questioning, eyes lost in a mire
There’re so many, then why did you choose me, you liar!
I believed your heart your words then so pure
But I can’t trust them to be yours any more
Don’t think you can possess me for you’re left with no desire
You now belong to the crowd who can only look and admire
Hoped that someday you’ll return to me or at least you
Wished for long, that you forget everything to start new
Gosh! can’t believe you’re the same, acting so meek
But now it’s getting late and you’re making me weak
Cry if you feel like, but that won’t get you me, Sire!
The one thing you need, if you care still, is the fire!
For then, no goal remains huge and no aim too high
You’ve won half the battle just when you say aye!!
For those struggling to make something out of it ... the 'I' in the poem is the 'Goal' of the person talking to him and the 'YOU' is the person.
Inspired by : Aishwarya Singh