Friday, September 27, 2019

Spiti – when snow became ice! (Part - II)

19 kms away lay our next stop; Kunzum la (pass), the gateway to Spiti valley
but the first hairpin turn itself turned out to be too much for our mini car rally

The run-down tyres kept spinning in the snow and our car kept sliding back
until some solid push from the helping hands, wrenched it back on the track

It was just the beginning of a long icy spell that left us scared out of our wits
for the powdery snow that fell last night was turning into ice as the sun hit it

The way ahead was neither over dirt nor snow, but a layer of frozen water!
And our car now had a mind of its own, that spurned brakes & accelerator

It sailed right when steered left, lunging for the valley, while we sat in tight
clutching on to each other, eyes away from the edge, praying with all might

The brakes couldn’t be trusted any longer; instead the rubble along the side
held back the rear wheels from sliding outwards, leaving all physics aside

With no hint of humanity to remind us of the civilization we had left behind
we clung to the loose soil paths just wide enough to let us pass if it were kind

Hours later we were at the top, walking humbly towards the Kunzum stupa
Chanting Auṃ maṇi padme hūṃ, pleading for clemency for any chutzpa

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