Monday, December 21, 2020

I can’t listen to music

I can’t listen to music

I can’t just listen to music

It is like a set of commands to move 

I have to flow with it, I have to groove

If I don’t move physically, my phantom limbs will

And my brain will get on its toes; it knows the drill

All set on a stage of its own giving a performance

It needs no invite nor any approving audience

I am on happy-go-lucky flashback train

And I can’t seem to pull the chain

As if it is compulsory!

It is all involuntary!

And that is the problem … 

When my classmates used music to concentrate

I put fingers in my ears or scurried out like a spate

When the whole world was using music to meditate

I could hardly use it to strengthen my spiritual state

How do I stay relaxed and focus on my breathing? 

When the neurons inside my brain are doing swing

But I am not complaining …

For it stirs me, sways me, takes me away from me

Into a wonderful space where my soul is set free

If this is not meditation, then what else could it be?

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