Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Jungle Trek - Walking Backwards

On the final day of the trek, we walked on a river

that wound through the middle of a forest cover

Steered by broad, tree-laden, bare-rooted banks,

the Gopat river rolled, gently nudging its flanks

The water, barely ankle-deep, cool, calm, & clear

gathered the sunshine, gleaming from ear to ear

The feet, simply bare, and to be honest, a bit sore

soothed at once on stepping in, like never before

Digging tiny puddles in the sandbed with the toes

I could feel each grain scrubbing away all my woes

For some time, we kicked and splashed and raced

learned how to drink the river water; new skill aced

Slowly the revelry receded & the reverie returned

and after walking about half the distance I turned

The entire trek flashed before me as if on rewind

It wasn’t just the footprints I was leaving behind

I started to walk backward, gazing into the infinity

the inexplicable, the all-encompassing immensity

Millions of years of unfathomable earth formations

and just thousands of years of human civilizations

Where do I belong in this inexplicable mystery?

Will it matter to the cosmos where I end up to be?

Trying to fit myself in this big plan seemed selfish

I felt small and big and at the same time outlandish

How much more? I was no longer tempted to check

rather slowed down to enjoy every step of this trek

Let the memories, thoughts, and imaginations play

Some flew off in tangents, some came back to stay

I was a part of the river and I was a part of the sand

And also a piece of the open deciduous forest land

Looking back at how far I had come was heartening

like a beautiful song that heals as you are listening!

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