Monday, December 31, 2007

!! why are we together !!

i waved her a hi, and her lips made an arc,
her hazel eyes looking for something in mine

i asked if she would come along, imprisoned by her gaze
'sure would be fun'answered, as usual, delighted n amazed

i asked if she wishes to see us together
she smiled and said "as much as you do"

i kissed on her forehead, sitting by the beach
curled in my lap, she was way beyond my reach

why are we together, why are we here? i wished either of us could ask
'let it go the way it's going' she replied, my thoughts thus unmasked

had met her few months ago, and lost to her innocence
and i am losing again but now there's nothin' to gain

i can neither withstand her simplicity nor bear her sweetness
for she's as pure as a dew drop n me a symbol of selfishness

what brought her to me is something i'd never know
but she'll be there for me forever; that is for sure

no more can i bear to see her lose herself for me
and no more would i want her to empathize with me

of all the sins i may've committed this one i can't
so let me break the promise i made to you my dear

move on, for there's a whole new world waiting for you
forget me as if i never was, with time you’ll be through

Said that' woke up to find us as inseparable as …..
to explore the horizons "together" and to be

P.S. : the beautiful end is courtesy ma fren Aish !!


prynkonly said...

actually it is difficult to understand in the sense.............
there are so many contradictions .........
the guy is selfish.... then y is he letting her go.
y can't he withstand her sweetness when he actually fell for her innocence.

Shreyans M said...

There are many things untold..many things which cant be expressed...its the feeling thats need to be explored. :)

Kim said...

Hi ady - nice one but definetly not ur best !!! btw whats the realation between the two person there in the poem ...

Vipin Kumar said...

i see that many are pondering over the poem. Pondering about who and why s of the poem and the " person "involved.

Whereas i believe its about a person who is trying to fight with herself. Yes i said herself because i presume that the purity, sweetness are primary female character ( through an artist's eye). The poem is a result of constant struggle of trying to find the meaning of the fight and trying to deny the otherself, trying to separate the otherself, but in the he cant because its his soul/ basic goodness or whatever you will like to call the "NICE" nature of his.

Aditi said...

aaah!! thanks vipin!!
finally someone could make out something out of it!! :)

i had lost all hopes of anyone understanding anything in it !!

prinku : thanks for yr efforts in understanding ... :)

Vikash said...

अपने आप को ढूँढने का जो सार्थक प्रयास आपने अपनी कविता में किया है, वह निःसंदेह प्रशंसनीय है. अपने आप से जद्दोजहद तो हर इंसान करता है परंतु अपनी भावनाओं को इतनी साफ़गोई से अभिव्यक्त कर पाना हर किसी के बूते में नहीं होता. इस कारण आप बधाई की पात्र हैं.

अपने हृदय के एक कोने को, जो आज भी शफ़्फ़ाक है, बचाये रखें. यही कामना करता हूँ.

"move on, for there's a whole new world waiting for you
forget me as if i never was, with time you’ll be through"

आदमी स्वयं से बच के जाये भी तो कहाँ. :) जीवन को इतनी सजीवता से प्रस्तुत करने के लिये धन्यवाद. आपकी अन्य कवितायें भी पढूँगा अब.

Neha said...

hm... no comments.. :)

Aakash said...

I would say:
Don't let her go
Don't let her lose herself
For you need her
As much as she needs you
And even if you want her to go
She will stay
For she has come on her own
For she was always there
And has a will of her own

Aditi Only said...

thanks a ton aakash for such wonderful comment cum interpretation

Anita said...

again nicely knitted