Wednesday, November 13, 2019

90 degrees apart on arctic circle!

I tiptoed towards a giant fur bear with the most generous eyes and the softest white beard I had ever seen. I pinched myself, Santa is real. I mumbled a hello and garbled a few words before he asked us to sit beside him on either side. He asked us how did we find Finland and like a kid, I complained, it is too cold. 

Ho ho ho .. but it is just November. Wait till it gets to minus 45 degrees.

My eyes popped out, 'No way. I’d rather get roasted in 45 degrees in my country, India.'

It was time for his eyes to widen. We laughed as we conceded that our worlds were 90 degrees apart, apart from the thousands of miles that separated us.

The few minutes we spent in that wooden chalet filled with antiques felt like hours as no one hurried to call the next visitor. And then it was photo time!

He wrapped his arms warmly around our shoulders and we snuggled up to him like starry-eyed kids who have waited for years for this old man to hug them. I will never forget that embrace. In a moment, my heart was swashed with pure joy. There was nothing to worry about. In an instant, the world had become beautiful. It felt so special that I could not stop my eyes from getting moist. 

1 comment:

Nidhi said...

Such a cute and happy story !