Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wild quest in Lapland

I tried to scream, but the voice had frozen in my gullet
As I was pulled, through the cold & darkness, like a bullet

Clutching both sides of that archaic wooden sledge tight
I stared at those eight huge huskies hauling me, in fright

I was sure they could hear my heart beat frantically inside
As I was being tossed across in the snow from side to side

Hurtling through snow-laden pine trees with zero visibility
we fell far behind our guide, not to be seen in the vicinity

In a few seconds, we were swept up a gradient quite steep
& the next moment we crashed with our wits buried deep

The claw brakes dug deep in snow, exacting us to attend
But I sat in with cold toes, praying fervently for this to end

my face grew white, more so by the terror than the icy air
as eight pair of eyes blazed under a gloomy sky in despair

Like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole to wonderland
The husky safari was proving to be a wild quest in Lapland

Why did I pick a husky farm to explore the vista in winter?
Why did I push to go beyond the arctic circle in November?

The questions hounded me more than their raging breaths
pummelling through the hush closing in on us like wreaths

Had it not been for my hubby who literally, stay put behind
I would not have survived this nerve racking sub-zero grind

P.S.: It doesn’t matter that I have at home a cute pet canine
--> For when it comes to dogs, I do not trust them to be benign


Santosh Venkat said...

Wow. Truly fantastic. The experience is described very well in a poetic manner. Keep it up

The Lioness said...

Very well written, Aditi! Surreal!!