Sunday, February 25, 2007


They call it narcissism.Well it could be but whenever I look at myself in the mirror I fall in love with a face that in still innocent enough to do any harm to anyone. A childlike smile which is not a consequence of any external event. Twinkling eyes approving of the sheen, the face exudes.

I can look and be lost in it for as long as I want. For it has become one of the ways of mine to reassure myself that goodness still exists in this world. That no matter how wrong things seem to be, God is up there making things easy for you and right down here to support you.

Because when I look in the mirror I never feel as if I am looking at myself. Rather whom I see is an ordinary mortal with the divine within. It is this person who has inspired me along with all my well-wishers to believe in myself, to know that I have it in me and that I have proven it time and again and that this time too situation being different is still no different. This person is my guru, my faithful companion and my beloved.

“Do not give in to the ways of the world, howsoever wrong or unjust they may seem to you. Don’t let the weaknesses of the people around you transform you into someone whom you yourself may not be able to relate to later.

You are today what you are because you remained what you were over these years of your life. The journey is long, there is still a lot to be seen, sensed and experienced. There are still many paths to be crossed by strangers who you never know when may join you. So just go on……..”


Kim said...

Well indeed u have sketched urself...ure slender, soft and innocent...and perhaps the answer to many questions lies in urself...

"You are today what you are because you remained what you were over these years of your life."

just stretch this lifespan more encompassing not only this but the previous lives too and u will get ans answer to this question :Why is it happening so ?

I know am sounding lil philisophical and i myself is rowing the same boat but what am speaking or not mine words...its the philiosphy which i have heard...

But jo bhi ho...i came know that ure full of talents and today i discovered a nwe one...Keep Writting :))))

Rishu said...


Gaurav Jain said...

Hey Aditi ,

"You are today what you are because you remained what you were over these years of your life. The journey is long, there is still a lot to be seen, sensed and experienced. There are still many paths to be crossed by strangers who you never know when may join you. So just go on."

Ur correct this is how we all should be living .... for the excerinces and what else is life.The essence of it is to live it fully and experince what all we want to or may be waht all can be experinced.

keep writing

Aditi Only said...

thanks gaurav !! :)